When I was hugely pregnant, and my son was but two and a half years old, we were sitting together on the floor when he looked over at a rather thick book for new moms and matter-of-factly said “Pregnancy.” This was a particularly impressive feat, not because he was reading at two years old, but because I had not taught him that particular word. It was also the first three syllable word that he had ever read. Yes, my baby was reading at two and that was normal in our house, but reading three syllable words was not, at least not until that day. I had begun teaching my son to read when he was one year old, and did so using the Doman method, meaning lots and lots of homemade flashcards. By that time, Brillkids Little Reader software was out, but… I was too cheap to put out the cash. Well, I eventually caved and shelled out the one hundred bucks or so, and never looked back. I have no regrets. I am one of those people that believes that babies can read. Brillkids created a software...